It's not very fair, is it? :(
He's so pretty!
It's not very fair, is it? :(
new blues from Un Amico at 20:15 0 got them goddamn blues
I think she's pretty, like a doll, but she shouldn't be making that face.
new blues from Un Amico at 18:41 0 got them goddamn blues
"I *-^-* slowly, slowly, slowly, slowly, getting faster, faster, faster, OH, it's so exciting!"
I'll never look at The Count the same way.
new blues from Un Amico at 17:10 0 got them goddamn blues
ID: cain't be serious, comedy, nice work, YouTube
sxephil - he's not sexy, he's sxe
Just some things about this video:
- I really don't think guys want big tits. They SAY they do, but I think they're being phased out by the ass. Bad news for me since I'm stacked up top, but lacking in my packing. I never got that anyway, why does it matter how big or small a woman's breasts and butt are? The way it's going, the girl doesn't need to be there, and not for that long anyway. And, if big tits were really all that great, Pam Anderson wouldn't have had all the trouble she's had. That goes for any other of those fantasy girls too. Those women are fantasies to men, but then when they want to take them home, they realize that they're just as ordinary as any other girl and then they have problems. Most men claim to be the smarter sex, because they think with logic and not emotion, but they're just as bad as women when it comes to that fantasy crap.
- Do ppl still drink 40's anymore, honestly? That just pissed me off to no end. I commented about that and then somebody came up behind me and was like, "poor ppl drink 40's" and that maybe so, but is 50 Cent poor? No, I don't think so. Ppl really need to upgrade their stereotypes, y'know, if they're going to use them. It's 2009 and y'all stuck in 1992, trick-ass marks.
- I also commented on the story about the "wronged" black firefighters. I don't think a test can be racist, but the ppl who make the test MIGHT BE. Even so, why make excuses? Y'know, evrytime I make an excuse, my mother always says, "Oh, you got more excuses than a black man on death row," and as horrible as that sounds, black ppl do make a LOT of excuses. I don't understand it; after slavery, black ppl spent a good 100+ years proving that we could do evry thing the white man did, if not better. Black ppl wanted to learn, slaves died trying to read, and now we take all of that for granted. I write and read without even thinking about it, I can't even begin to fathom not knowing how to do it and being told I'd be lynched for even trying. I tell ppl I like to write and read and they think I'm "lame" or a "dork" or whatever. Well, I rather be that than stupid. Yeah, I still might do some foolish things, but I ain't no fool. Now these firefighters don't want to take a test to get ahead? How the fuck did they even make it this far? Didn't they go to school? Would it kill them to study, to work for and earn what they want? This country judges ppl unfairly and holds hundred things against you before you can do just one thing, you constantly have to prove yourself, especially if you're black. That's just the way it is. Things aren't going to change in "our" favor just because we have a "black" president; he had to work for evrything he has, you do too. Get used to it. America is very racist, but that's not an acceptable reason to fail.
- Then, there was this comment: "is it our fault if niggers and do good on tests, like really" OK, I think what he was trying to say was "is it our fault if niggers can't do good on tests, like really?" Well, I dunno if it's your fault since you couldn't even put together a cohesive sentence, but this "nigger" knows, it's "do well" not "do good," you dumbass redneck.
- "Yes, it's a racist standard. MLK Jr. didn't want there to be schisms based on race pro or anti African-American. Saying "white pride" is just as racist as saying "black pride"." I disagree, black ppl need another black pride movement because America does not support diversity and anthing black is either demonized or exoticized or eroticized. Black ppl have been dehumanized ever since Africans were dragged over here and treated worse than cattle, if not before then. Black pride is not a hateful or violent thing, it shouldn't be, it's love for your people and love for yourself in a country that makes you feel unloved. From what I've seen, white pride is hateful and violent since there are white ppl out there who feel like "their" country is being taken from them, even though this land belongs to them as much as it belongs to black ppl, or hispanics, or asians, or any other kind of ppl. You cannot own something that does not belong to you.
- "thats freaking retarded how this country thinks every white person is trash and racist, if any mass about of people are racist its the black people, they take advantage of the whole racist thing to get what they want and they say the n word to each other which is fucking stupid, everybody is equal and nobody should be called anything like that even if its to somebody that is your own skin color because some black people do that just because they know white people cant do it." Black ppl cannot be racist. I know it's hard for ppl to grasp, but we can't, it goes against the definition. Racism means you hold your race as superior to any other and use that to oppress ppl. Now, I've never heard of black ppl oppressing white ppl or any other kind of people any kind of way. Can black ppl be bigoted? Paranoid? Mistrustful of white ppl? Angry? Hurt? You betcha. But how can you blame them? Some white ppl like to shout out that slavery's over and black ppl need to get over it. Yeah, slavery's over, but racism is not. This is the reason why "black" history needs to be taught in line with "American" history. That right there is racist, how "black" history isn't thought of as "American." How can you ignore millions of ppl and their voices and all of their contributions? Some black ppl play the race card, but I can't think if a time when it's been successful. It is stupid how black ppl took the taunts of their tormentors and use it against each other, but you must understand psychology and understand the amount of damage slavery/racism has afflicted itself onto black ppl. It's like when someone gets raped and they're expected to get over it. It's not something you get over, all you can do with take some time and make peace and live with it. Can you make peace with racism? I don't think you should.
new blues from Un Amico at 15:36 0 got them goddamn blues
ID: burnt grits, mercy mercy me, PLEASE STOP PLEASE STOP, soapboxing, the real folk blues, what's really good?, YouTube
/ˌpyusəˈlænəməs/ [pyoo-suh-lan-uh-muhs]
1. Destitute of a manly or courageous strength and firmness of mind; of weak spirit; mean-spirited; spiritless; cowardly; -- said of persons, as, a pussillanimous prince.
2. Evincing, or characterized by, weakness of mind, and want of courage; feeble; as, pusillanimous counsels. "A low and pusillanimous spirit." --Burke.
Syn: Cowardly; dastardly; mean-spirited; fainthearted; timid; weak; feeble.
Hmm, is this where "pussy" came from?
new blues from Un Amico at 01:18 2 got them goddamn blues
ID: random
Take note of THIS and take the necessary precautions.
Though, I did kinda see that one coming. #take that how you want#
new blues from Un Amico at 01:04 0 got them goddamn blues
The Etta James Situation
She said.
They say.
Then, she said.
Now, I say:
Etta James can say whatever the fuck she wants, point-blank. No, it wasn't "her song" originally, but fuck Beyonce, and I mean that respectfully. Ppl were like, "Oh, where does she get off talking about Beyonce like that? Beyonce did it better," BULLSHIT ON THAT BULLSHIT. Beyonce can barely sing and I am sick as hell of hearing ppl sing her praises. She's overrated, period, and her portrayal and renditions of Etta's songs weren't even good enough to be considered sub-par, honestly. So, when they finally get around to making Nina Simone's biopic, is she going to replace Mary J.? It's not my favorite one, but "At Last" is Etta's signature and Beyonce is always trying to swagger-jack somebody else's shit. Not to mention, Etta sounded drunk as hell, so why would you out too much stock into anything she said. And even if she did mean it, she has more talent in her than Beyonce and for ppl to insult her just because she got raw on Beyonce pisses me off.
new blues from Un Amico at 22:44 0 got them goddamn blues
ID: burnt grits, i like her style, music, this is what passes for quality?, what's really good?
The Tragedy of Richard the Third [1.2]
Is it just me, or was that kinda hot? Ian McKellan laid his game down flat! Don't believe me? Watch this:
"I've got a thing for you."
"Thing for me? Tis a common thing."
"To have a foolish wife."
DAMN! Coldest Mack in the world!
...what do you mean he's gay?! :(
new blues from Un Amico at 22:17 2 got them goddamn blues
ID: hot daddies, movies, sexy can i?, touch my body, yes please