"you mustn't be afraid to dream a little bigger, darling"
new blues from Un Amico at 22:04 0 got them goddamn blues
to the asshole who saw my blinker going and sped up...
what the fuck is your problem? you didn't even get off at the exit i was trying to get to!
new blues from Un Amico at 20:46 1 got them goddamn blues
ID: are you ok?, my goddamn blues, random, what's really good?
No rules, just right
paul looked really upset when he said he might not tell him. awwwwe :(
new blues from Un Amico at 21:55 1 got them goddamn blues
ID: comedy, hot daddies, sexy can i?, things that make you go mmMMM
STOP NAMING YOUR KIDS THESE TACKY ASS GHETTO NAMES! it's really disgusting and inappropriate and they're not even cute. just ugly. just like the way your kids act because you don't love them enough to actually do your job as a parent. what you don't realize is, little DraKisha and DeJaylin are going to grow up and one day, they're going to try to look for a job or apply for college. however, because of the institutionalized racism in american society, they will under constant scrutiny and will more than likely be discriminated against because of their horrible names. where the fuck do you get off making up names anyway? let me know so i can meet you there and cuss your dumb ass out. seriously, what's wrong with names like "Adam" or "John" or "James" or "David" or "Michael" or "Eli" or "Penny" or "Margaret" or hell, "Apple" or "Moses"? at least those are real words. but no, we name our children horrendous trash like "Ah' Dasha", "Detrenell", "TyJuan", "Brinasha", "Laqeti", "NoLisha," and all shit like that. STOP STOP STOP STOP STOP THIS AT ONCE. ENOUGH IS TOO MUCH! do you even SOUND these names out? did you even write it down and show it to somebody else to see how they would pronounce it? i know a little girl, her name is pronounced "Tatiana," but it's spelled "Ti'Tiana." shouldn't that be pronounced "tee-tee-ana"? i believe it would be. and look, i'm all for creativity, but let's be serious, you just can't make up a name, you just can't. i mean, maybe you can, but i doubt that's how you do it.
PS. SUMMER SCHOOL IS NOT A DAYCARE CENTER. once you decide you keep your child and become a parent, you don't get a break from that, ever in life. that's just a commitment you can't half-ass. it's all or nothing. a baby is not a tamogatchi or a puppy, it's a actual human being. treat your child like a person, not a show dog.
no, it's not OK.
new blues from Un Amico at 21:13 1 got them goddamn blues
ID: can i get a witness?, PLEASE STOP PLEASE STOP, what's really good?, where is your shame?
to the asshole who almost hit me when i was about to pull into 7-11, and then again after i stopped and was about to go through...
what the fuck was your problem? i had the right away. you would have known that if you weren't an asshole.
new blues from Un Amico at 21:10 2 got them goddamn blues
to the asshole who left a huge gap for me to merge into on the freeway, only to honk at me as i merged...
what the fuck was your problem? you were in the right lane, you're supposed to let me on the freeway.
new blues from Un Amico at 21:08 0 got them goddamn blues
the ONLY reason i like this song
new blues from Un Amico at 20:57 0 got them goddamn blues
ID: babies, reluctantly yours, SO CUTE, YouTube
the worst of it all is that i got this song stuck in my head because some 4th grade girls were singing. let me tell it, it's terribly disturbing to hear little girls sing a song talkin' bout, "baby, i can break you down" babies are growing up too fast. :(
new blues from Un Amico at 20:53 0 got them goddamn blues
boy the way you blowing up my phone won't make me leave no faster!
i shoulda left my phone at home, cuz this is uh DIS-AS-TUH!
new blues from Un Amico at 22:15 1 got them goddamn blues
ID: are you ok?