

Yeah, I know I've been AWOL for awhile, but while I'm here, I need to get something off my chest:
I AM SO SICK OF PEOPLE CALLING SHIT THAT IS NOT TARANTINO, TARANTINO SHIT. It's getting pretty fucking annoying really quickly. For example, I LOVE Smokin' Aces, but many critics/film snobs have blasted it by calling it a "Tarantino rip-off". It's like, what the fuck are you talking about? How in the hell does anything in this movie look like something Tarantino-esqe? Have you ever seen a Tarantino movie in its entirety? Like, really seen it and digested everything you've taken in? There isn't a similarity between them. Tarantino uses relatively bright colors/lighting, pop music, and rapid-fire cool dialogue. Joe Carnahan (director of Smokin' Aces and Narc) tends to use dark colors/lighting, more realistic dialogue, and has an overall grittier style.

Most movies that critics cry "TARANTINO RIP-OFF" at are an insult to Tarantino. Just because a movie uses some of his techniques doesn't mean that it's ripping him off. For example, Lucky Number Slevin used bright colors/lighting, pop music, and rapid-fire "cool" dialogue. Does that make it a Tarantino rip-off? No, it's just a bad movie that just happens to use some of Tarantino's techniques.

And, I'm sorry, but Pulp Fiction was NOT the only film Tarantino has done so people need to stop acting like it was by comparing all of these so-called rip-offs to it. It's funny also that if people aren't "ripping off" Tarantino, he's accused of ripping off someone else. Where did people ever get the idea that you have to be original? Really, what's original anyway anymore? Everything's original to someone who hasn't seen it before.

#Ugh, people suck.#

0 got them goddamn blues: