
Ugly Americans

i really don't believe the comments on this. is youtube being invaded by chimpout? i swear, if you're going to claim superiority, please learn how to spell and use grammar; otherwise i can't take you seriously. truly amazed that rednecks have internet access.

so "change" hasn't happened instantaneously, that makes obama like hitler? his middle name is hussein, named years before saddam came into power, he's the anti-christ?

white christians american "patriots" are so oppressed, aren't they? poor them -- their beloved country is being corrupted.

must be a wonderful life to have so much ugly hate in your heart.

by the way, i really like metropolis, hitler liked it, too. does that makes me a nazi?

3 got them goddamn blues:

HMSydney said...

That is ugly. It's funny how people can cover it in real life, but are balls out on the Internet. It's like a person's true self is not them alone anymore, it's them and the Internet.

HMSydney said...

I like Metropolis too. So, no that doesn't make you a Nazi. :P There are so many versions of Metropolis. I liked the anime too.

Un Amico said...

i've only seen the original... :/