
For Real, Real?

“Chris Brown is being convicted and character assassinated in the media and we don’t even know what Rihanna did yet.”

david, stop playing.

why don't you write him a nice, "i gotcha back" song? like, all the black men in america can join hands and sing a "we are the world" in solidarity for chris brown with all of his groupies on back-up.

seriously, why do black men think it's ok to hit a woman if she strikes first? i've seen some white guys say some stuff like that#well, reading via internet, i assumed most were white#but black men are being the most vocal about it. i'm really shocked about that considering most of them grew up without a father. is this some kind of way to get back at their mothers? i don't honestly see how a man can feel like a man after stomping on a woman. you're not a man, you're an overgrown coward. if somebody says something to you that angers you so much you feel like striking them down, it must be true. so what, a woman hits you or talks about you, aren't balls supposed to stand for something?

jack white said he was finding it harder to be a gentleman everyday and that's exactly why it's getting harder to trust a man these days. it's a very vicious cycle. it's very disheartening.

1 got them goddamn blues:

Craigalicious said...

I don't understand how people can take a look at that picture of Rihanna after the incident and still say that she must have deserved it for some reason.