
no, that's not it :(

i think they got it wrong. the story, as told in the film, really does not condone her changing who she is and i think pretty much shows the folly of her decision. the original story really seals the deal on this. i mean, i get the humor, or the humor as it's intended, but i don't think the story, no matter how much it was butchered/bastardize by Disney, condones any of that.

i also don't appreciate how ppl talk shit about Beauty and the Beast, talking about it's an allegory for an abusive relationship. it's a beautiful story and i refuse to acknowledge any other interpretation as such!

3 got them goddamn blues:

Plain Jayne Mansfield said...

I didn't watch, but I think it does condone it. I mean, think about it.

You know, someone said the movie Little Mermaid was really about transpeople and, looking at it like that, I liked it more. But that's just crayzay.

Un Amico said...


Plain Jayne Mansfield said...

Well, basically, if you take the whole romance thing out, it makes sense. She's in a body she doesn't think is right for her, so she gets a new one and lives happily ever after.

But, like I said, that one's kind of a stretch.