
Another Veggie Tale

Tuesday, my lunch buddy and me hit up Subway again and once again, they were out of that hot SWEET ONION TERIYAKI #FTW#, so we ending up ordering something else like last week. An-ty-ways, while I was at the vegetable section, this girl behind began to order and she wanted six pieces of meat for her salad. It was very strange. This girl came with such an attitude, approaching the people at the counter as if they were slow, I guess already knowing the weirdness of her request would confuse them. The girl was very rude: the meat/bread guy had the meat in his hand and she told him to "lay it flat" as if she was about to instruct him as to how she wanted her meat as a frustrated parent would instruct their child. When she saw a friend of hers come from the back, she would explain her situation to her as if the guy was incompetent. I just could not believe her attitude. Good buddy Liz would later tell me how the girl was wearing black, almost sheer leggings, revealing her white, stars/and/hearts decorated panties underneath.

Leggings do NOT substitute for pants. #ew, TACK-A-RAMA#

1 got them goddamn blues:

Plain Jayne Mansfield said...