
Scarlet Diva

I love Asia Argento. Admittedly, when I saw XXX, I didn't like her that much, but like Pam Grier, words fail me when it comes to expressing how much I admire her. Mostly, I admire how brave she is. She's a very beautiful woman but she is not afraid to be ugly. In fact, she embraces being a freak and everything ugly, but she can still be elegant and sexy.

I think that's why it's so hard for me to name any recent American actresses I like. With us, everything has to be so cute and glamorous, whenever an actress does her job and delves into a role, no matter the "ugly" transformation, there's a big deal made about how harrowing and brave it is. Why, because she's actually playing someone else? Not just with a different hairdo or accent? I mean, that's how most actresses "act" anyway.

Asia changes so much and charges at full speed, never caring if she shatters on impact. I guess, she's sorta like Gary Oldman, if he was an Italian woman with a nice behind and crooked teeth.

Google her. NOW.

1 got them goddamn blues:

Plain Jayne Mansfield said...

Asia!! ^_^