
Is this "found art"?

Last week, I put on lipstick for no other reason other than wanting to, and when I blotted, I couldn't help but notice how nice of a shape my lips made. In fact, I thought it was so pretty, I ended up keeping it for a week, but ultimately decided to throw it away. So, is this found art or just not?

2 got them goddamn blues:

HMSydney said...

Yeah, you could consider it found art because you did not make these prints with the intention of creating art. Definitely found and very, very cute. :]

Found art is such a weird category to talk about though.

Usually found art only refers to stuff that was already made and you see it as something else. Like...seeing a chair as sculpture rather than a chair. That whole ready-made thing Duchamp came up with. Trash art critics called it I think...

Duchamp destroyed the craft of classical I was told by my I hope that my art does that someday...and destroys something lol...

Un Amico said...
