
Flashing Lights # 1

Here is a collection of some utterly random pictures of celebrities that I came across. I think this might be an ongoing thing:Here's Brad Daddy and Little Shiloh, who's turning the big TWO today. Not a fan of Brad or Angelina, but they do make a beautiful baby. Though, doesn't Shiloh look a little like Philip Seymour Hoffman? #uh-oh# Angelina might have to explain that...anyway, wonder what they're looking at so awed and agape.
Maybe it was...

Hot Daddy Clive Owen, who's either warding off or protecting the ominous lady in white. Saw this over at Jezebel, most of the comment captions were funny. #Mmm#, if fine was being on time, Clive Owen would never be late, even if his car broke down and he had to limp into the next town 60 miles away. #tee-hee#

Wow, a picture's worth a thousand words, right? I can't think of one right now.

I love smokers, I love Smokin' Aces. PERFIK!

Not a fan of Rhianna or Robin Thicke, exactly, but this is a pretty flick. Just wonder what the wifey says.

1 got them goddamn blues:

HMSydney said...

Clive Owen is fine, fine, fine...Everyone from the West Indies thinks Rhianna is a sell-out...Shiloh is a cutie...I think I want to have babies. lol