

Lately, (really, for about a week), I've been doing some sketches of faces. There aren't a lot right now, but I think this is going to be a hobby for me, so there'll be more.

This is what started it. For my Writing for RTVF class, we had to draw a sketch for the protagonist of our screenplay. I was originally trying to draw Tim Robbins (from Jacob's Ladder), but he turned into Dan Heyada, but after some cleaning, I think he now looks like Clive Owen/Harvey Keitel.

This was supposed to be a girl, but now, it looks a little like Remy LeBeau...

This is another attempt at a girl, but I'm having trouble because she looks a little tranny. It might be her lips, I dunno. Then, there's the trouble with hair...

2 got them goddamn blues:

HMSydney said...

Very nice. :)
I like the third one best. I don't see the tranny depiction as much though. I appreciate her lips. I think maybe if they were shaded in a little, it would look a tinge more womanly, but still.

Drawing is fun! It would be a cool hobby to take up! :D

Un Amico said...

the third one? really? no love for Clive Keitel? yeah, i don't think she looks that bad, just a little more fine tuning needed. i think i actually dig drawing, i'm a lot better at it than i thought.