
Babes on YouTube

TELL 'EM WHY YOU REALLY MAD, GIRL. But really, this seems very troubling to me; I can't stand to hear little kids, or really anybody, scream like that. Maybe she just needed a nap.


I'm a twin too, and my mom said us that she would put us face to face and we would laugh too. I wonder what they're/we were laughing about. I also wonder how parents can tell their twins apart. With my sister and I, I think it was fairly obvious, but the parents just know, or at least act like they do.

There's something about that enthusiastic "Yeah!" that makes me smile.

"KICK HIS ASK!" I love how serious she is in her explanation.

"What does he have?" I like how he yells at his dad. Sometimes you have to yell at daddy so he can act right.

At least he's honest.

"You know what he did?" LOL

MY FAVORITE! too cute

5 got them goddamn blues:

goooooood girl said...

i like your blog......

Craigalicious said...

I love babies on Youtube!

Un Amico said...

i think that sentence would be read as:
I love babies... on YouTube!

Plain Jayne Mansfield said...

I love that singing baby! Her eyes are so big and magical! ^_^

Un Amico said...

she's the only one we can trust.