

peter, please answer: what's with all these chicks not wearing underwear? like, every other day, pictures come out with some chick flashing kitty. and now perez hilton got in trouble for posting some of miley cyrus. yeah, he's in the wrong, but so is she. where do these chicks get the idea that you can not wear drawers and THEN go on and wear the shortest, most-indecent-exposure-ensuring outfit? IT DON'T WORK THAT WAY, MISS HUNNAY!

2 got them goddamn blues:

Plain Jayne Mansfield said...

Actually, he photoshopped the crotch on her, it's not really her. At least, that's what I heard.

I agree, though. I mean, she sexualizes herself and he does this and he's in the wrong? I don't get it, but whatever.

Un Amico said...

why is she sexualizing herself so much anyway? isn't most of her fan base little girls?