
On Repeat

In Dreams - Roy Orbison

Simultaneously makes me think of Robert Downey Jr. and want to watch Blue Velvet, even though I've never seen it. I'm so scared David Lynch is going to take me somewhere I can't ever escape. I guess that's what makes him so great to most people.

Amoreena - Elton John

Lately, I've been thinking how much I miss my lady #insert snide comment from Liz#

Standing in the Shadows of Love - The Four Tops

Heard in from the Love Songs mash-up. That's on repeat,too.

Leggy Blonde - Flight of the Conchords

Ridiculous and wonderful.



Out Damned Spot!

I took a a quiz on one of those facebook applications, What Shakespeare Character Are You?, and it said that I'm Lady Macbeth. I could see that. Her or Iago.

"you are cunning and devious, ambition rules your life and nothing will get in your way"

I wouldn't say "devious," but that's on target.



Why so mean, bb? :(



Double D Blues

Now, let the church say, "AMEN!"


The Films of Stanley Kubrick:

Like I said before, this guy is really good. I really like the way he uses images and music. My favorite part starts at 3:45, then all the way through.

Also, here's The Films of Paul Thomas Anderson:

and, The Films of DA7ID FINCHER:



You get points for creativity, but you're bombing in class.

What say you, boo?

You like the new layout?



Thank you, Chris

I thought you forgot about me.

RE: Word?

It has begun.

He's so heartless.

It's Sweet of You

but, Brad, cut that shit off. Maybe this where Jezebel got the inspiration for this, but really, it does not flatter his face. He looks better clean, his features are too chiseled and studly. It was fine when his hair was long and he was doing the bohemian thing, but when his hair is short and styled, he should stick to stubble. I dunno, maybe mustaches are like a "daddy badge," like the really big ones.

Side note: I think I'm coming around on
they look like a really cute family.

I Don't Like Katy Perry

BUT, I like this song.

There is a video for this, but it's not all that to me.


"I feel like my life was easier when I had two boyfriends."

Friend of mine, Monday.

"My uterus was touched."
Same friend, minutes later, talking about one boyfriend's dirk diggler.

"I don't know that; I'm in journalism!"
Craigalicious, after he asked if Kenya was in Africa
and I snapped back at him that of course it is.

"...and she looks delusional in that picture."
Craigalicious, again, talking about Heidi.

Liz has an interesting one, too.


It's 'Ye Day

Almost like a Pay Day, only a whole lot more nuttier.


Strange What Love Does

Ghost of Love - David Lynch (yes, the director)

I dig it, but it reminds me of:

What is with all this autotune business? I blame Cher.



What's going on with Kanye West? He apparently has a terminal case of egotism: he's saying he's gonna be the next Elvis, that he's the voice of this generation of this decade #uhh, what?# that Beyonce is a living legend, he recorded an entire album of him "singing" on autotune, wearing those venetian blind sunglasses, wearing a tail, beating up the paparazzi, busting up cameras, getting arrested across the pond. Just acting a goddamn fool.


# ... #

#Even they don't approve#

First off, how can he be the voice of this generation, when most of the time, he's talking about himself and how good he is?

Though, I stepped back and thought about it; maybe he has the same dream as Daniel #MY BOO# Plainview. Maybe there's just some kind of dangerous ambition that drives him to try to be better than everybody else. Or maybe he's so insecure that he tries to hide it in false overconfidence. Or maybe his mother's death hit him a lot harder than he would let people believe; he hasn't really been the same since she died. He has been in a car accident that was a near death experience; maybe his traumas are giving him some kind of invincibility complex. Or maybe, he's a misunderstood, frustrated genius. And genius doesn't necessarily mean being common sense smart. It just means you're exceptionally well at what you do.

Well, whatever the case, Stephan Colbert is sick of his shit. God bless him, cuz Kanye might lose his sexy when he hears about this. I have to say, this is VERY amusing, even though I'm sure it's all in good fun. Still, can't wait to see a Kanye retaliation.


And Stephan Colbert has been my boo since Strangers with Candy.

Fierce? GIRL, BYE

I don't know how to feel about Beyonce. She's pretty popular, so of course that's a strike against her.

#See the lady in the back? Over her shoulder? That's me.#

I like some of her songs, but I don't care for her appearance. Black women with blonde hair disappoints me. Another strike.

#See, it doesn't even frame her face right.#

Now, she's playing Etta James in Cadillac Records.


Not for nothing, but she doesn't LOOK nor SING like Etta James. But, if Etta's ok with it, I guess I'll have to tolerate it.

But this is a nice look. But she'll never be as fierce as Craigalicious.

#This looks like something I would wear. I especially like the peep-toes#

Goddamit if I don't love Etta James. Goddamn YOU if you don't.

I'm Not Sure #2

But how do you feel about this?

“Sure, I’ve slapped Tina . . . There have been times when I punched her to the ground without thinking. But I have never beat her.”

And I still wonder to this day what made Alicia Keyes reference them in a love song.

Also, "take yo' hands from around my throat, nigga."



"I got a song. I'mma sang it. If you know, feel free."



Guys, please STOP sagging. It's gross. It's not a good look.

Sagging started in prison when they took away the belts from prisoners so they wouldn't commit suicide AND so that the prison-bitches can catch a prison-daddy.


The weird part is, I've never seen a gay man sag, it's the so-called straight dudes I see doing it. Why in the hell would you want to emulate some clown with their pants UNDER their ass? This same person clearly has a pattern of not making the right decisions since they ended up in PRISON in the first place.

I've been looked at strange for saying this, but whenever I see a guy sagging, I want to run up behind him, bend him over the nearest surface, yank his pants down, and give him one big hump against the rump. The lower they sag, the harder they get it. I mean, that might be how they like it. What am I supposed to think when you walk around with your ass out and puffed up? That might sound like some kind of rapist's justification, but I'm sorry. I'm trying to deter this with some operant conditioning. Every time you sag, you get a hard hump on the rump.

Even sadder, sicker part is, most of these guys are more than likely homophobic. So, what's really good?

They have passed ordinances in some places, but for some strange reason, some civil rights activists are considering this to be racially wrong. WHAT. So you want young black men to walk around looking ridiculous? This is not limited to just this demographic, it's just more prominent in our community and how anybody could object to stopping this makes my head hurt. Would it kill young men to dress nice? All they have to do is pull up their GODDAMN pants!

Dude in the Tub


Very hairy Sean Connery reading about other hairy guys. Ooh!

A very hairy Pierce Bronson set to pounce.

Daniel and his very hairy Craig.

Sadly, I couldn't find any of Timothy Dalton. Oh well...

Celebrity skin ain't that thick

I watch people, it's kind of a thing I've been doing for years. They're very fascinating. It might seem weird to say it like that, but people are unpredictably predictable. So, of course I love to read other people's blogs. Instead of me wondering what someone's thinking, all I have to do is read their thoughts, via their blog. However, most of those blogs, with people writing about their shitty ass day, not my cup of tea. But, most of the time, I do come across some very interesting blogs.

Few weeks ago, I came across a blog, The Beautiful Kind. I should warn you, this blog has some pretty far-out there sexual proclivities that the faint of heart might not be able to take. Like, for real, you don't have to go through that many posts to see what I mean. When I started reading it, I thought it was a gay guy at first, but then found it was a woman, which disappointed me somewhat.

I dunno, I usually don't like to hear about women talking about their outrageous sex lives #or really anyone, for that matter# but I find that I can tolerate it more if I hear it from a gay man. I dunno, I'm weird that way. I have no problem with a woman asserting her strong sexuality, but usually it's being used to cover up some kind of dark, hidden painful, trauma. It goes for men, too, but women especially. Sex becomes some kind of salve to forget about their problems; it's no different to them than heroin to a junkie or the knife to the cutter.

But, I continued to read on, becoming more engrossed and grossed out. No matter how disgusted I was by whatever she wrote, I couldn't stop reading; I was so morbidly interested. I read her ABOUT ME section and she said she was an atheist, some kind of disillusioned Catholic. Out loud, I actually said "Ah, makes sense," to myself.

There'll be more on that later, but as I was interested in her blog, I continued to comb through her older entries and then I got to this post: 6 Reasons Why The News Of Heath Ledger's Death Should Not Upset You. Ironically, this is the post that turned me completely off of her blog. All of the kinky, nasty, dirty, freaky stuff I could stomach, but this is TOO disgusting.

These "reasons" are so fucking trivial:

"1. You didn't know him." - Kind of a good reason, hard to argue against, but it's a cop-out. As human beings, do we not have humanity, empathy? He was somebody's son, father, friend, brother, lover, cousin, nephew, whatever, whatever. Can you not imagine what that would feel like? To not only lose someone you care about, but having it broadcast all over the news?

"2. He was the blonde guy in Brokeback Mountain, not Jake." - That somehow lowers the value on his life? Seriously?

"3. He was Australian, and those guys have a psycho death wish. They LIKE dying." - Let's assume this is true. If he, indeed, did have a "psycho death wish," wouldn't he have chosen a grander way of kicking the bucket than OD'ing on sleep medication?

"4. He was going to star in ANOTHER fucking Batman movie later this year. Yawn. And hey he was supposed to be the Joker - they’ll just need to slap white paint on some other actor." - It's not that simple, and it gives me a headache trying to wrap my mind around this one. Acting is not as easy as people think it is. If it was, movies wouldn't be as shitty as they are now. And can you be replaced at your job just as easily? If so, you must not be doing something right.

"5. He overdosed on drugs BEFORE his scheduled massage - very poor planning on his part." - This would make sense if people were sad over the fact that he missed his massage, but I think the bigger issue was that he died. He missed an appointment because he died, so we should all go piss on his grave?

"6. He had at least one bad tattoo." - Wow, then I guess he deserves to burn in hell.

I wanted to believe this wasn't serious #y'know, since it's so fucking ridiculous# but I'm pretty sure she was. I could see if she gave some legitimate reasons, but most of these are nit-picking, pitiful excuses not to care about somebody. But then, there are comments, too:

"Believe me, I would be MUCH more sympathetic if he met his end, say, by a sting ray barb through his heart, than overdosing on DRUGS in his NYC pad, with his HOUSEKEEPER finding him cuz she was letting him know his MASSEUSE was there.
<- I don't understand what the difference is, both are unfortunate accidents. What's so wrong with taking sleeping medications and wanting a massage? People deal with stress differently; that was his way. I could see if some Lolita hooker or rentboy found him when she or he was scheduled to give him his blowjob or he was found dead while beating off to snuff films. THEN, it lesses the sting, but all he did was take some pills and unfortunately, he over did it and "picked" a shitty time to die. I'm sure the masseuse was all pissed off about not getting paid for her services. Jimi Hendrix took sleeping pills and drowned in his own vomit, does that negate his talent and the feelings of all those who miss him?

"Does the world really need another Batman movie? Apparently, God doesn’t think so. Yes, the Lord works in mysterious ways…"
<- SERIOUSLY? A daughter will never know her father and all you can do is thank God there won't be another Batman movie? So, when you hear about a death in your family, are you one of those people who worry about what will be served at the banquet?

"He wasn’t that impressive an actor. Plus, he was in the worst movie ever made: “Monster’s Ball”. In which, he shot himself, interestingly enough. The only reason anyone’s mourning him is he was hunky. That’s what irks me, the shallowness of the mourners. You know who’s a great actor? Steve Buscemi. Would we bombarded by vague, yet emphatic mournings if he bought the farm? No."

<- I see his point somewhat, but to compare Heath Ledger to Steve Buscemi is not balanced. For one thing, age is a factor. Steve Buscemi is 50 years old; Ledger was 28. Fifty is young, but it isn't much of a shock when someone dies at that age as compared to someone who wasn't even in the prime of his life. For a better example, I would suggest some comtemporary actors similar to Heath. For instance, Brad Renfro was a talented actor, younger than Heath, who died a week before him and he didn't make the primetime news. Take also into consideration, if another good-looking somebody like Cillian Murphy had died that day instead of Ledger. Though he is acclaimed, the public wouldn't give a damn about him. All that being said, even comparing him to these actors fall short because he was Oscar nominated. It's not every day someone who was up for Best Actor punches his ticket out of here. Again, this sounds like an excuse not to care about somebody you don't like.

EXACTLY, the tragedy for everyone is that he was good looking. People hate losing a hottie from their ranks."
<- Kind of a contradiction considering her second reason.

"...i agree, who really gives a fuck about some rich actor. i feel ya. i didn’t even know who the hell he was until he died…blah blah. BUT, i must admit, the new batman, that IS coming out is actually much different, its not so gotham and shit. I haven’t liked batman since the 90’s. But i saw the preview of this new one, which does contain heath ledger, but no he doesn’t wear all that crappy makeup like jack nicholson. totally different interpretation of the JOKER. I won’t give that credit to heath, though. only to the director..."
<- The Joker was based off of Heath's interpretation of the character. Most of the time, directors pick actors who they feel will take the role and expand on it. Good actors simply do not put on the role like a hat; they take the hat and make an outfit and shoes to match. So, not to sound harsh or anything, but you just don't know what you're talking about.

"(cont'd from previous)... So, i feel ya on the heath hate. but always be ready for something new, and this batman looks quite fun and evil. not comicbook land, like all the others.

just for the record, this new batman is the FIRST movie for the big screen actually filmed on 70mm film stock, to be viewed in IMAX. So it looks quite cinematic.
Always keep an open mind, or you may miss the magic moments."
<- Ironic.

Really, I'm not saying they're wrong, but I think these people just seem like they hate popular celebrities and are letting that affect their empathy. I have the same problem most of the time; generally reject what the majority likes, but they're making it seem as if he was Brad Pitt or George Clooney, some guy always in the tabloids or on Entertainment Tonight. Ledger was pretty much a quiet, private person, and I don't remember too much about him when he was alive. He didn't do obnoxious things for the attention, didn't seem that way.

There are so many celebrities I can't stand, but if one of them happened to die tomorrow, I wouldn't shrug it off with a "So what?" I might have not cared for them, but they were special to somebody. Can't you see that? It reminds me of how people laughed and pointed at Britney Spears' nervous breakdown and what Liz wrote about Amy Winehouse; celebrities are put on such a high pedestal and under some much intense scruntiny that we dehumanize them, treating them like they don't have feelings or insecurities.

Often enough though, we do this to people we see everyday, too. That's why whenever I feel myself getting pissed off with someone, I tell myself that they're someone's something special and that usually calms it. You can't go through life like Patrick Bateman. Patrick Bateman doesn't want to be Patrick Bateman.

Also, what I couldn't believe was how someone who's an atheist, with so many fetishes, could be so judgemental. How can you be so sexually open, yet you're close-minded? I have a friend who's kind of the same way and I don't get it.

But ultimately, atheists, as much as they try to shock people and be irreverent, they're no different from staunch, intolerant Christians, Nazis, and racist gays and "white is right" assholes. If you're so right, why do you do so much wrong? If you're so enlightened, why are you so intolerantly ignorant?

Shame is, they don't see it, the pointlessness of choosing a side and planting yourself in a corner, telling yourself you'll never leave no matter what. All they want is the attention, it seems. Look how vulgar/obscure/deep/creative/special/much of an individual I am.

I'm not trying to judge anyone; sorry if it seems like I am. I just want to understand.

All Men Are Apes!

Well, not really, but Jezebel made a list of 6 reasons why mustaches were not sexy, based off a post from Fey Friends. Now, this is ridiculously unfair. They picked the most extremely unattractive pictures to support their case. I happen to find mustaches very sexy and I think one of the most manly thing a guy could do is grow one. Of course, they'd need the face for it. So, may I present 6 reasons, in no particular order, why mustaches are sexy (by way of photos, of course):

1. Daniel #MY BOO# Plainview
I mean, look at him. What more needs to be said?

2. Giancarlo Giannini
Need I say more? Rather it was then or now, it doesn't matter.


3. Josh Brolin
I think he has the perfect face for a mustache. He just doesn't look right without one.

4. Robert Downey Jr.
He looks very nice clean, but it's something about how the softness of his eyes contrast with the scruffiness of his jaw that's just so nice.

5. Stanley Kubrick
When people talk about Mr. Kubrick, "sexy" is not a term that is often used, but there's something there, isn't there? The silent, strong, shy, strange type? Very sexy. Anyone who smiles that sweetly can't be all bad.

6. Burt Reynolds
You thought I forgot? How could he NOT be on the list?
Now, I could go on, and on, and on, and on, and on, and on, and on, and on, and on, but I think I made my point.

Well, one more wouldn't hurt.

According to...

GenderAnalyzer, this blog is written by a woman, 73% of the time. What's happening with the other 27%?


Coffee and Cream

Do you see what I see?

NO, not T Baby! LOOK IN THE RED RECTANGLE! At first I thought it was for one of those interracial dating websites, but it's for a bed and breakfast! I never would have thought a B&B would allow/advertise something like that, especially one with "Country" in the title . I'm just pessimistically paranoid that way, I guess.

I could make some kind of sexual innuendo with the interracialness and coffee and cream, but I don't want to spoil it. It's too cute. And I'm sure we can make our own jokes, if we haven't already.



I hope y'all proud of yourselves! Clogging up the line from somebody who needs his help. And I hope you don't suck yo' Daddy's dick with that dirty mouth!

I haven't laughed this hard in so long. Anybody wanna catch the Spirit while we're at it?

#is it funny? are you laughing now, bee-yotch?!#



I don't know exactly what's wrong with me #i never do# but usually, the more popular something gets or the more it gets hyped, I lose interest real quickly. This happens mostly with movies; I'll hear something about something coming out, hear people just go on and on about how good it is or will be and I'll immediately be like, "Meh." But then, when some years go by and the furor dies, something happens where I become very interested in what I missed. I remember this happening with Harry Potter, most notably. I guess I'm some kind of "culture vulture"; I just want the leftovers after everybody else has had their fill. Well, this has happened again with Boogie Nights.


Liz saw it, like a year ago, and she was telling me how good it is, and, as much as I trust her, I was still a bit skeptical. I think the only no-go on seeing it was Mark Wahlberg being the lead. I didn't really care for him cuz he's popular, even though I did like him in The Departed. But I was like, "Mark Wahlberg? Boo." It is a little ironic though that I didn't like him, but I pay more attention to Donnie, maybe because he's underrated. And I'm not alone in this, he wasn't P.T. Anderson's first pick #Leonardo DiCaprio was, which is a much bigger BOO.# but he was ultimately impressed and then, so was I.

Same thing happened with Aaron Eckhart and Heath Ledger; wasn't interested in either one of them until The Dark Knight. Though, I was shocked when I found out Ledger died.

I really like this movie, a lot more than I thought I would. It's actually very sweet. Everybody, for the most part, had some kind of childish innocence and optismism and they cared about each other. I geniunely felt for these people and teared up at the end, deeply touched by how much of a family they were. The ending song also helped, which is strange because the first time I heard that song, it was in a commercial for HSN or something. #he's very good at end themes#

I guess that is the power of cinema, how it can twist our emotions and change our perceptions on people, ideas, songs, and the like. That's the power of mass media.

It also made me realize how much I like P. T. Anderson. Punch Drunk Love was the first film I saw by him and I loved it, then it was There Will Be Blood which I LOVE love #Daniel Plainview is my Boo!# then came Boogie Nights and then today I watched Sydney #or Hard Eight# which was VERY good.

He has his dissenters who claim he's ripping off Robert Altman and heavily influenced by Stanley Kubrick, but I don't see that. Sure, he uses some of the same techniques, which anyone can use, but it HOW he uses that makes them his own. Is he original? Perhaps not entirely, but who has honestly done something TOTALLY popping fresh? Not everything Altman or Kubrick did was completely theirs. Film is art and art comes from inspiration. Taking someone's idea and changing it to create your own is not ripping them off, unless it is a direct copy that does not match up to or surpass the original.

On a lighter note, I must have been sleeping on PTA pretty damn hard because I remember him looking a little bookish, a little like Matt Stone, but NOW he looks a whole lot scuffier and a whole lot like Daniel #MY BOO# Plainview.

Compare this:

To this:

Damn, what a difference ten years make!

Also, he's partners with Maya Rudolph and they have a daughter.

They're holding hands! How cute?

SIDENOTE: Is it strange that
I really like to see interracial couples,
especially if it's a black female with
any other kind of guy,
but if it's a black man with
any other kind of girl,
the angry black woman
in me rises,
just a little?
I think it makes sense,
in a way,
but that's a blog
for another day...


Is this "found art"?

Last week, I put on lipstick for no other reason other than wanting to, and when I blotted, I couldn't help but notice how nice of a shape my lips made. In fact, I thought it was so pretty, I ended up keeping it for a week, but ultimately decided to throw it away. So, is this found art or just not?



Liz kinda beat me to it...


Courtesy of: aswc2010 @ photobucket

Party All The Time

I was on Synnabun's blog and came across some very nice tracks:

I Rather Be With You - Terry Callier

If I Don't Have You - Gregory Issacs

I got that one on REPEAT.

Craigalicious put me up on this one awhile ago:
Bossy - Lindsay Lohan

got me onto this one.

Then, the piece de resistance from my buddy, Liz:
Look Back At Me - Trina

Aaron digs it:


ALEXYSS K. TYLOR: Need I say more?



Sarah, it's understandable, BUT CONTROL YOURSELF!


Dude in the Tub

Mmm, HBK certainly is a Sexy Boy.

Lenny Kravitz, where is your crazy ass?

No, not a guy, but I'll make an exception for Stacey Dash.


Look, I've been seeing a lot of guys SPITTING out on the ground around campus and I have to say: IT'S FUCKING GROSS.


I should not be able to identify fresh spit spots, based on the bubbly thickness of them. Don't even spit on grass. Chew some gum, drink some water/juice/tea, suck on a mint, gargle some Listerine, or, I dunno, how about you just brush your FUCKING teeth!

I mean, OH MY GODDAMIT! This shit is repugnant and inexcusable.

If there's anything I love more than Gary Oldman...

it's Gary Oldman and his hot daddy mustache...

Doesn't he look a bit like Ned Flanders? Don't you think?


Moments in Love

I grew up with this song! It's so sexy, but weird as hell. Something you can dance(?) with your hot daddy with.

Have You Ever...

wanted to get in a fight, just so you could lose, in the hopes that whatever you lost would come back to you?

saw somebody so good-looking that it made you ashamed of your face, your ugliness?

heard a song that spoke to you or it was so beautiful that it brought you to tears or made you tingle?

This happens to me, but has it ever happened to you?

I'm Not Sure

but how do you feel about this one?

"Look at you... Bitchless - That's a god damn shame"



It's my Boo-Biden's birthday! He's 66. WOW.

Tell 'em why you really mad, Joe!

"Don't make me use my stuff on you, baby!"



Lately, (really, for about a week), I've been doing some sketches of faces. There aren't a lot right now, but I think this is going to be a hobby for me, so there'll be more.

This is what started it. For my Writing for RTVF class, we had to draw a sketch for the protagonist of our screenplay. I was originally trying to draw Tim Robbins (from Jacob's Ladder), but he turned into Dan Heyada, but after some cleaning, I think he now looks like Clive Owen/Harvey Keitel.

This was supposed to be a girl, but now, it looks a little like Remy LeBeau...

This is another attempt at a girl, but I'm having trouble because she looks a little tranny. It might be her lips, I dunno. Then, there's the trouble with hair...


LOL, "I don't want to talk about this again."

Speaking of Paul Rudd...



Well, he liked; he was just trying to put a ring on it...





Rahm Emanuel, called "Rahm-bo", will be President-Elect Obama's Chief of Staff. I have to say, so far, this is one hell of a sexy administration.

He has kind of a Javier Bardem/Communications Professor at my school thing going. Very nice. And I'm surprised at how I'm much more interested in politics these days.