
Two things, not so quick

craigalicious posted about miley and her stupid ass and then she "apologized" after the fact, of course. then phil defranco had some shit to say because margaret cho wrote a song about it and somebody's trying to sue miley. first off, he said that cho makes fun of ppl all the time and that doesn't exactly sound right to me, i don't think i've ever heard her making a racist joke or put anybody down. and besides, she's a comedienne, they're supposed to make fun of ppl or situations humorously, not hatefully. as for the lawyer suing her, that is a little extreme, but to explain it away as, "oh, it wasn't that bad, there's an asian guy in the photo," isn't good enough. just because there was an asian guy in on the "joke" doesn't mean it should be taken lightly. black people aren't the only race with uncle toms. no, she's not exactly prussian blue, but the fact is, little girls idolize miley and there should be an example made to show, with any pop celebrity, that you can't get out of evrything with an "apology" after the fact, especially if you are just a "kid."

are white ppl really this ignorant? on a consistent basis, white ppl make a lot of racist/bigoted/prejudiced "jokes" and think by apologizing the day or so after, evrything is peachy keen. this is not the way things work. i personally don't give a fuck what you do or say in your private life, but if your dumb ass is stupid enough to take a goddamn PICTURE or video of you doing or saying something stupid, whatever happens, you got what you deserve. i've also seen white ppl excuse shit like this by saying, "oh, well black ppl say this and asian say that, so we sure be allowed..." no, take that immature shit to chimpout. the world is not "tit for tat," sometimes you have to turn the other cheek and there is no shame in that.

now, to other bullshit issues--

the chris brown and rhianna situation has been disturbing on so many levels, but the main one is this: i've been seeing a lot of men who think it's ok to swing on a chick if she starts it. many have justified this by saying that if women want to be equal, they should learn to take a punch.

... oh for real, for real?

women should be equal to men socially and financially, but we'll never be equal physically because men, through evolution, are the stronger sex and they, of course, cannot conceive children. #although i do believe most of them PMS and are more emotional than women are supposed to be# the day they start to, they can hit women. women who do hit men are childish and also, most men today are still children and live by that "you hit me, i hit you back" policy. if a woman hits you, take it like a man and get her out of your life. do not try to go blow for blow with a woman. a woman who hits a man is foolish and the man who fights back is a fucking fool.

b. scott talked about it and he had good points, but him being so pro-rhianna makes it a bit biased to me.

the situation reminds me of the routine dave chappelle did about how men and women think differently. he talks about the frustration of women wearing a "prostitute's uniform" and then don't want to be treated like prostitutes. i love dave chappelle and always will, but i couldn't believe a man as savvy as he would say some misogynistic bullshit like that. first of all, if you've ever watched an episode of cops, you know that REAL street prostitutes wear baggy, raggedly sweats. the only ones who look like "prostitutes" are trannies. secondly, ok, a woman wears something a little provocative, does that automatically mean she's a slut? and even if she were one, that doesn't mean she wants to "sleep" with you. this is the same reason why a lot of women who are raped blame themselves. there is NO justification for that. and why would you want to fuck a slut anyway? thirdly, why do you assume she's dressing that way for YOU. sometimes, women just want to dress that way. i don't particularly agree with some of the extremes taken, but i understand. sometimes i do my hair and put on gloss or red lipstick. no reason, just feel like it.

are men really this disgusting? do they honestly think it's ok to hit a woman if she hits you first? it's ok to sexually harass a woman and then either insult her for being a "tease" or take it upon yourself to make her play her part? men just do not understand the frustration of being a woman, nor do they care. most of them don't even want to know anything our sexual health, but they do want to use our sex. how can you fully appreciate something and use it correctly if you don't read the instructions and educate yourself as to how it is to be used. ppl have gotten sex muthafvcking twisted: it's not just a fun way to pass the time. the main purpose of sex is procreation and the main purpose of breasts is to breastfeed. so, there are no "mistakes" when it comes to conceiving, if anything it's mission accomplished. that's why you should think twice before you fvck a slut, at least.

men really need to think from a woman's perspective for a bit. women have to worry about pregnancy, STDs, and also the social stigma of being sexually active. men are encouraged to "sow their oats," but women are taught that they should be virtuous, but then when a chick is sexually savvy, she's a dirty slut and a filthy whore.

some days i feel tragic like i was lady macbeth; i wanna be unsexed, too. it's too much.

1 got them goddamn blues:

Craigalicious said...

What are they suing Miley for? I do think she should have a more serious apology though... I mean saying that they're just trying to make her the next "Britney"... I don't remember Ms. Spears ever doing anything like that...

As for the Rihanna thing, I just hope she's okay and stays away from him. I'm not going to make any opinions about it until the whole story comes out.